Set Name: Emperors in the New World
Release Date: The OP-09 set was released in December 2024.
Card Count: The full set contains a large number of cards, including:
Leader cards
Common cards
Uncommon cards
Rare cards
Super Rare cards
Secret Rare cards
Special Rare cards (including Manga rare cards)
Featured Characters: Expect to find cards featuring prominent characters from the New World arc, such as:
Monkey D. Luffy
Trafalgar Law
Eustass Kid
Donquixote Doflamingo
Charlotte Katakuri
And many more!
Card Types: The game features various card types with different roles:
Leader Cards: Represent your main character in the game.
Character Cards: Used to attack and defend.
Event Cards: Represent events in the story and have various effects.
Stage Cards: Stay in play and provide ongoing effect